Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hi everyone:

Hope all is well. We've had a long winter here in Indiana. Lots of snow . . . lots of sub-zero temperatures . . . lots of colds and flus . . . but we're hanging in there. It seems like Nyah's been sick for three months straight. Just as we think she's turning the corner, she gets another bug. I think we're finally out of the woods though . The whole family has been healthy for the past couple of weeks, and we're very much looking forward to the spring and summer.

Nyah's really developed a lot since our last blog entry in December. She started crawling about a month ago!! Here's our video of her "first steps" (click the play button - bottom left):

It took her a couple of weeks to really master it, but now she's cruisin'. Just like that, she requires so much attention. We can't just sit her in front of a bunch of toys and leave her alone for an hour. Nyah and I learned that the hard way. I was working on the computer a few days ago and Nyah was hanging out with me in the office. Before I knew it, she crawled into the foyer and went head first, down the stairs to the basement (never mind that we have a baby gate that I left wide open)!! I think I'm out of the running for Father of the Year. She recovered and doesn't seem to be holding a grudge. I can't say the same for Mommy . . .

Aside from such growing pains, Nyah's doing great. She's become quite interactive and very talkative:

Following are some recent pictures for your viewing pleasure - don't forget to click on the picture to view the full size version:

Chillin' in her sit-and-play:

Taking a bath:

Swimming lessons:

Simply hanging out:

On one of her sick days:

Developing a fetish for bags, like her mom:

Put a sock in it!!

Sitting naked with Grandma:

That's it for now. We're off to Italy for 10 days in April!! Nyah will be returning to the motherland- that's where she was conceived. TMI for some, I know - for those interested however, we plan on going as three and coming back as three and a half!! Upon our return, we have a number of weekend trips to visit family and friends. When things start to settle down again, we'll send out another update.

Until then, ciao bella!!